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Friday, February 23, 2007

Does this make me a bad parent?

Eldest has been reading the parenting books, and we've been laughing our heads off. Does that make me a bad parent? *snort* They seem totally unconnected with our lives!

Earlier today, she read out a list of open ended questions from Raising a G-Rated Family in an X-rated World to determine how well you know your child. The idea is for the parent to answer the questions as the parent thinks the child would answer, while the child answers the questions for his/her self. Eldest read them out loud for all of us to enjoy. I was answering for Eldest, but Youngest added her own answers, too, mostly as I'm writing this.

1. My favorite tv show is:
Me: uhm... (we don't get tv. If we want to watch any, we go to the public lounge)... CSI?
Edlest: uhm... NCIS?
Youngest: CSI

2. What I like best about myself is:
Me to Eldest (laughing): your bodacious butt!
Eldest: I don't think they mean physical.
Me: oh, sorry...
Eldest: vivid imagination and curvaceous body
Me: laughs
Youngest: imagination

3. My favorite thing to eat for dinner is:
Me: Nothing (meaning she doesn't like to eat at all, as it's something we butt heads over)
Eldest (sheepishly grinning): uhm... nothing (see above)
Youngest: cheese pizza

4. My favorite color is:
Me: dark neutrals
Eldest: dark green, brown, black, some blues
Me: like I said, dark neutrals
Youngest: dark reds, blues and purples

5. Other kids think I am:
Me and Youngest in unison: Weird!
Eldest: hey!
Me: well?
Eldest: weird and creepy
Youngest: weird and chaotic neutral
(side note: at our hs group's park days, Eldest had some of the littlest kids come up to her and ask her if she was a witch, a vampire and, most recently, a fortune teller!)

6. My favorite song is:
Me: Lost Christmas Eve... and a whole bunch more
Eldest: Listen to my cd...
Youngest: several...

7. What I like best about my mother is:
Me: uhm...
Eldest: your undying exuberance to strangers and a saintly tolerance of stupid people.
Me: laughing out loud
Youngest: she's nice and cute.
Me: laughing harder

8. My best school subject is:
Me: anything that ends with "ology"
Eldest: Latin and herbology (she narrowed it down to only two)
Youngest: art

9. My favorite video game is:
Me: uhm... (Eldest doesn't usually play video games)
Eldest: uhm... Diablo II?
Me: close enough
Youngest: Invisible Wars (she plays more video games, but still not that often)

10. When I have to work around the house, I:
Me: uhm...
Eldest: uhm... I'm neutral; I don't mind work around the house...
Youngest: I don't like getting my hands slimy.

11. What I like best about my father is:
Me: starts laughing again
Eldest: his sense of humor is so much fun during movies!
Youngest: he's a big, cute, fluffy teddy bear.

12. I like my teacher when:
Me: teacher?
Eldest: when she shuts up
Me: What teacher?
Eldest: Me!
Me: oh, right... you sometimes tend to babble
Eldest: starts babbling to explain why she answered the way she did, then goes, see what I mean?
Youngest: she's so cute and fluffy (hugs the cat)

13. My favorite movie is:
Me: uhm... (thinking, does she even have a favorite?)
Eldest: military movies and spy movies, but not any one in particular
Youngest: V for Vendetta and many others (she's the movie nut)

14. I think my bedtime should be:
Me: what bedtime?
Eldest: 9:30
Me: What???
Eldest: bedtime is not the same as sleep time... I like to bed earlier, despite the fact that my sleep time is about 1 or 1:30, but you guys are loud.
Youngest: whenever I drop!

15. When I have free time, I like to:
Me: draw, paint, write, study...
Eldest: study and draw
Youngest: drawing and thinking

16. When I grow up, I want to:
Me: never really answered that, as we got to talking, instead. She is already a comic book artist, and that's what she wants to do.
Eldest: to be better at what I do than I am now.
Youngest: movie director!

17. I like people who:
Me: don't prejudge you.
Eldest: don't mind discussing philosophy
Youngest: *don't* discuss philosophy - especially in the middle of the night!

18. What I would like to change about me is:
Me: couldn't think of anything to answer
Eldest: I talk too much
Youngest: my height
Me: you're only 10 years old - you're going to get taller!
Youngest: smiles broadly

19. I do not like people who:
Me: uhm...
Eldest: uhm...
Youngest: uhm...

20. If I had lots of money, I would:
Me: World Domination! (it's an inside joke - on one of her Christmas wish lists, she'd written "World Domination Starter Pack with Inflatable Minions (available from Microsoft). LOL)
Eldest: bury it under a shed
Me: laughing
Youngest: I'd buy many pretty, shiny, streamlined cars!

There were a whole bunch of other things she had commented on that we found funny, simply because they are such non-issues.

Eldest: "Hey, Mom... Do I suffer from peer pressure and abuse?"
Me: "oh, yes!" laughing (peer pressure? WHAT peer pressure?)

What really got me was when the author described their Family Day as an example (not to mention the build up for it). Somehow, the idea of sitting around praying, meditating, singing and role playing just had us giggling. I can't even imagine how the author did it with a family of nine. It just seems so... artificial.

We're quite enjoying these books... ;-)


Anonymous said...

the funny thing is I know this family and I have been at there family nights and if more people spent time with there kids there wouldnt be so many messed up families

Kunoichi said...

I totally agree! There's lots of ways to spend time together, too. It's one of the things I love most about home schooling.