For my regular visitors, if you find that this blog hasn't been updating much lately, chances are pretty good I've been spending my writing energy on my companion blog. Feel free to pop over to Moving On, and see what else has been going on.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Pretty much ready...

Dh and I are finally feeling better again - and thankfully, the girls didn't catch whatever it is that laid us low! So we've been busily getting things ready for the basket.

First, we got a few pizanki done. Eldest did the 3 black ones, plus the green and yellow one. I think she did much better than I did. Youngest wasn't interested in doing any this year.

After these were done, I needed to figure out how to store them. I got out the carton with last year's eggs to see how much room I had and made a discovery. I think something heavy had thumped onto the carton, as one of the raw eggs was cracked and leaking. Actually, my biggest surprise was how little smell there was. It was quite gross. Thankfully, only one other egg was close enough that it was damaged and needed to be thrown out as well. Sadly, the two that had to be thrown out where the only two that Youngest had made, so now we have none from her. Ah, well. There's always next year.

I got the Dragon's Eggs done today as well. I find them so beautiful, right from when they're finished cooking...

... to the insides of the shells after they've been removed...

... to the finished eggs.

I also got the bread for the basket baked. I decided to go with an egg bread instead of our usual rye. It's just our basic white bread recipe using 2 eggs for some of the liquid, and honey instead of sugar. This one is for the basket, but I had enough for a second, smaller loaf that I made into a twist and baked in a small cast iron frying pan. That one promptly got eaten. :-D

So all the baking and dying and stuff is done. All we have to do now is assemble the basket tomorrow morning for blessing. :-)


The Travelers Journal said...

The eggs are beatiful! I know I have asked before, but could you write about how you wax the eggs and the type you use? I would love to try them and when Easter is over maybe the price of eggs will go down a little :)

Have a wonderful Easter! Glad you are all feeling better!

The Travelers Journal said...

I just went back to 2007 and read you egg entry there. I knew you put up instructions before :)