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Monday, October 04, 2010

I could get used to this

My, how things change.

It wasn't that long ago when having kids meant lots of hustle, bustle, noise and business.  Sometimes, it still does.  Now, however, the girls are older and so much more independent.  As I write this, they've walked to the library and I expect they'll go for a coffee or something afterwards.  Maybe wander around in the mall nearby, or just go for a walk.  Eldest has her cell phone, so I can reach them if i need to.  Otherwise, I only have a general idea of where they are right now, and that's just fine with me.

Dh is home from work/working from home today.  His back is acting up again, but he's mobile enough that he can long onto his office computer from the work laptop at home and actually get things done - at least until he can't sit anymore.  The muscle relaxants he takes to control the spasms also make him loops and sleepy, so he's now napping.  Later on, he'll be back "at work" from home. 

Which means that, right now, there is almost total silence in the house.  Even the cats are napping. 

I could get used to this!

Okay, so it won't last long.  I need to start supper soon, Dh will be getting up and the girls will be coming home, and we'll be back to the hustle and bustle.  I'm okay with that, too.  Still, I'm becoming increasingly aware that it won't be too much longer before it's just Dh and me.  Eldest is on the hunt for a job (she had an interview next week, and I have every confidence that she'll be accepted for the position).  Raider King has a job, too, so if things work out for them, it won't be too much longer before they start looking for an apartment to share.  Youngest has a few more years, yet, but when the time comes, I know she'll be well prepared for independent living.

Which means we'll be looking at an empty nest before very long.  *sigh* 

I'm going to miss them, but they're going to be just fine.

I'm so proud of my girls. 

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