For my regular visitors, if you find that this blog hasn't been updating much lately, chances are pretty good I've been spending my writing energy on my companion blog. Feel free to pop over to Moving On, and see what else has been going on.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

(Not) Back to School

Well, it's official.  At least it is for most of the local schools.  The kiddies are back in school - just in time for the long weekend.  Actually, at least one local school started their year over a week before anyone else. 

For us, it was our annual Not Back to School Picnic.  While other kids were getting up early, backing their bags and heading for the classroom, we headed out to a park, pita wedges and hummus in tow (both store bought), where we met up with a whole bunch of other families.  Everyone brought snacks to share; store bought cookies and home made, fresh fruit and raw veggie trays to brownies and peanut butter squares, and plenty more.  The kids ran around, climbing trees, using the play structures and checking out the huge jackrabbit that paid us a visit.  The ground hog seems to be done, though, the opening to its den now blocked by a burdock plant.

My own kids were among those visiting the riverbank and came back with thoroughly muddy boots.  Youngest got mud up to her knees.  Today she spent her time scraping off the dried mud, washing, the spit shining her boots.  Both my kids enjoy polishing their boots, but Eldest is keeping hers muddy for now, in keeping with a costume she's working on.

Our focus for this year is going to be different than any other.  Eldest's best friend has moved back to the city, and they've been having a blast.  They're both working on costumes and plan to do a film.  They're also both job hunting, and eventually plan to share an apartment, since that's about the only way anyone just starting out can afford one out here.  *sigh* 

Youngest wants to go into mechanics this year, but I'm at a loss as to how to go about that.  Hopefully we can find something for her.  Meanwhile, if her goal to be a mechanic doesn't pan out, there's still her back up plan of becoming a singer. She's still got a few years to work things out, though.

It should be interesting to see how things work out this year.

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