For my regular visitors, if you find that this blog hasn't been updating much lately, chances are pretty good I've been spending my writing energy on my companion blog. Feel free to pop over to Moving On, and see what else has been going on.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's been going on...

You know, it's strange how, the longer I find myself neglecting to post, the harder it is to remember the things I would have been writing about if I hadn't put it off!  It's been more than a week and we've done plenty I could write about, but do you think I can remember even half of it? 

So, just a few highlights from the past little while.

Our library days are still a regular feature for us, though some weeks that involves me swinging by and trying to find someplace to pull over and wait while the girls run in to do the returns and take out any holds.  Youngest has been reading and taking notes on the Twilight books.  She had to return New Moon before she finished it because, with all the holds on it, she couldn't renew it.  When I went to put it on hold again for her, I noticed that, while there was a waiting list for the regular books, there was no waiting list at all for the large print version - so I put that on hold, and instead of being 3rd in line, she got the book right away and is already finished it.  Her other major project is another blanket for herself.  This time, it's basically a giant, rectangular granny square using up her stash of Bernat Satin yarn - she's been buying them in pairs for a long time, with no actual plans for them.  By the time she's finished up, it's probably going to be big enough to cover a King size bed!

Eldest has been taking out a lot of books on Art Nouveau and has been experimenting with its influences in her paintings.  She's also been working on a stop motion movie.  She was going to use the video camera we got last year, but the quality of the image isn't as good as she wants.  I did get the best quality we could afford, and it wasn't exactly a cheap camera, but it wasn't HD (until we ended up replacing our computer monitor, we had nothing that could play HD anyways), but it's the best quality image available in non-HD.  Even when setting it at the highest quality, and made sure we had a decent sized memory card for it, it's still not as good as my old Canon S3 camera's video function.  Plus, it turns out it doesn't work with Windows 7.  We couldn't even install the software on the new machine.  We did get the old one running again and have the software installed on there, but still... not good.

Anyhow, since that video camera kinda sucks for quality, she's been taking still shots for stop motion and using our movie software to put it all together.  She's having a blast, and it's looking really interesting so far. 

We recently had the last monthly meeting with one of our home school groups for the school year.  Eldest has been coming along with me.  This would be the group I've talked about before, where I'm just SO popular on the email list... NOT.  Well, at least not with some members.  Anyhow, I've been able to start going to the meetings regularly.  Along with Eldest, I've been able to give rides to a friend without a vehicle.  (I so love our van!  We'd never have been able to offer rides to people before.)  We're now part of a committee to work on the group's website, and Eldest is going to be reworking the logo.  The original is just some free domain clip art, but the same elements will be used to make a unique design.  Eldest even promised not to draw any dead things. LOL  My anti-fan club may or may not appreciate our increased activity within the group, but since they're not bothering/able to go to any of the meetings, they're hardly in a position to complain.

My balcony garden for this year is all planted!   I've got a couple of new containers - storage bins with holes drilled into the bottoms for drainage - that are a fair bit deeper.  A bunch of us went to a nursery together and got stuff for container gardening.  They all got flowers and pretty stuff.  I got food plants. *L*

I'm trying a new variety of carrots and some totally weird new plant that, if it actually grows, has both edible leaves and berries.  I've got a different variety of chives this time 'round, along with some oregano and sage.  I picked up a transplant of sweet basil, too, but just one plant - we now know from last year that our balcony is too exposed to the elements for such a relatively delicate plant.  I'm also trying out some joi choi  - just to see what it's like!  Along with spinach and lettuces, plus the rosemary and tarragon from last year, I think we should be all right.  By next year, I hope to be able to get climbing structures to grow some peas, at least.  Little by little, my balcony garden will grow. :-)

Well, it's past 2 am, and we're supposed to be getting up rather early for a weekend - Dh is taking part in some corporate challenge thing, and I'd like the whole family to come along, and get photos at least of the event he's signed up for.  Time to hit the hay!

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