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Friday, September 21, 2007

new library list

Well, since "school" has officially started again, I guess I ought to be more diligent about posting our library lists again. ;-)

This was mostly a me trip, though. Youngest still has several novels she wasn't ready to return yet, and Eldest has set up some work for herself and library books would distract her from it, so she just found a couple books to put on hold and that's it. I still have books I'm working on, too, but that didn't stop be from getting a big pile. *L* They're all go-through books rather than research books, so it's all good. :-)

So our list for this week...

The Smallholder's Manual: Looks like everything you need to know to run a small, self-sustaining farm, and make a small income from it as well.

Rural Renaissance; Renewing the Quest for the Good Life: "...captures the American dream of country living for contemporary times." Well, not any American Dream that I know of. ;-) Following the story of a couple, this one looks to really romanticize living off the land (I've done it. Trust me. There's nothing romantic about it. *L*). Still, I think it's got a lot of good info in it.

Traditional English Country Crafts & How to Enjoy Them Today; A comprehensive guide to more than thirty country crafts with sources of supply and information in the USA and a complete craft directory for visitors to Great Britain: Wow, what a long sub-title! LOL I was originally going to pass this one by, but then I glanced through it and just couldn't resist. :-D

Frugal Luxuries by the Seasons; Celebrate Holidays with Elegance and Simplicity - On any Income: This one looks to have a little bit of everything in it, and I'm always up for new ideas to try.

Native American Gardening; Buffalobird-Woman's Guide to Traditional Methods: Very basic looking, and written in a conversational manner. Somewhere along the line I realized that most ofl the edible plants I'm familiar with are European based. I want to learn more about edible native plant species.

Herb Mixtures & Spicy Blends; Ethnic Flavorings, No-Salt Blends, Marinades/Dressings, Butter/Spreads, Dessert Mixtures, Teas/Mulling Spices: Need I say more? *L*

Gifts in a Jar; Holiday Fun; Recipes to make your own gifts: Years ago I was on an email list for gift-in-a-jar ideas. I had to pare down the number of lists I was on, and that one went by the wayside, but I still love the concept.

Bread Made Easy; A baker's First Bread Book and The Bread Book: Because you can never have too many bread recipes.

The Rice Cookbook: from the Women's Weekly cookbook series. My husband LOVES rice. He'd eat it every day at every meal, if he could. Me, I'm getting tired of it. *L* Time to add a little pizzaz.

On the video front, I found the following dvd's.

Christmas Unwrapped: The History of Christmas; this is from the History Channel and traces the origins of many of our Christmas traditions.

Learn How to Tie Dye: Complete 3 Volume Set; I know how to do basic tie dying. This goes way beyond that.

Planet Earth series. We grabbed 2 dvd's form the series. I don't know if there's more than that. One includes the episodes The Solar Sea; The sun - giving life or delivering destruction? Gifts From the Earth; How other planets predict Earth's future and Fate of the Earth; The dawn of a new age... or the twilight of our existence? The other has The Climate Puzzle; Earth's weather - unavoidable destiny or humankind's greatest miscalculation? and Tales from Other Worlds; How other planets predict Earth's future. These will keep us busy for a while. *L*

Bollywood Hollywood: Nothing is what is appears to be; I got this because I've wanted to see a Bollywood movie ever since I've first heard of them, and this is the only one I've ever found.

On the VHS side of things, we got:

Trail of the Pink Panther: You just can't beat the original Pink Panther! :-D

Welcome to Canada: An unusual enounter between two cultures; I remember when this happened. This documentary talks about when a boatload of Southeast Asians were found and rescued by a group of fishermen off Canada's East coast in 1986.

There's our list for this week. :-)

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